chrome disable website
chrome disable website

1Method1.BlockWebsiteonChromewithanExtension(OnlyDesktop)·Step1:Visitthesiteyouwishtorestrictaccessto.·Step2:Gotothetoprightof ...,Gotoyour/etc/opt/chrome/policies/managedfolder.CreateorupdateaJSONfileandenterURLsasneeded:InURLBlocklist,addtheURL...

How to Block Websites on Google Chrome

2023年5月19日—HowtoblockwebsitesonChromeondesktop·GototheChromeWebStore,searchforawebsiteblockerextension(likeBlockSite),andclickAdd ...

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5 Ways to Block Any Website on Chrome without Hassle

1Method 1. Block Website on Chrome with an Extension (Only Desktop) · Step 1 : Visit the site you wish to restrict access to. · Step 2 : Go to the top right of ...

Allow or block access to websites

Go to your /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed folder. Create or update a JSON file and enter URLs as needed: In URLBlocklist, add the URLs that you want to block.

Block Site

2023年7月19日 — Block Site is a browser extension to help you block desired websites (domains). To work with this addon, simply right-click on any webpage ...


2024年1月28日 — Want to block websites on chrome? We've got you covered with our free site blocker extension. Simply add websites to your block list and we ...

How to block unwanted websites on Google Chrome

2023年11月7日 — To block sites, tap on “Content filters,” and in the “Blocked sites” window enter the URL or the domain name of the web page you'd like to block ...

How to Block Websites on Google Chrome

2023年5月19日 — How to block websites on Chrome on desktop · Go to the Chrome Web Store, search for a website blocker extension (like BlockSite), and click Add ...


1Method1.BlockWebsiteonChromewithanExtension(OnlyDesktop)·Step1:Visitthesiteyouwishtorestrictaccessto.·Step2:Gotothetoprightof ...,Gotoyour/etc/opt/chrome/policies/managedfolder.CreateorupdateaJSONfileandenterURLsasneeded:InURLBlocklist,addtheURLsthatyouwanttoblock.,2023年7月19日—BlockSiteisabrowserextensiontohelpyoublockdesiredwebsites(domains).Toworkwiththisaddon,simplyright-clickonanywebpag...